Three Free Browser Compatibility Screenshot Tools

I was in need of doing some browser testing tonight and I thought I’d share the free sites that can be used for checking your web designs across multiple browsers and platforms.
This is definitely the coolest free browser testing tool. There are lots of browsers and platforms (mostly Unix based) to choose from and the service is fast. If you need to check on alot of browsers at once then this is the place to go. It’s also open source in case you want to start your own browser testing network.
Need to see how your site looks on Safari? You can test it out here.
And this one will show you how your website looks in different versions of IE. It has a cool mixed and difference feature that will overlay IE 6 and IE 7 on top of each other. This one doesn’t make an image of the entire page like the two previous ones do.
That’s all of the free ones that I know about.